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Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct
University of Mississippi

Faculty & Staff FAQs

If a student is being disruptive in class or another university activity, could this be a policy violation?

There is a possibility that classroom or other academic disruptions may constitute a violation of policy, depending on specific details of the incident. If you think there may have been a violation of policy, please submit an incident report for our staff to review. After receiving a report, CRSC staff members will review any submitted information to determine if there may be a policy violation.


What can I do as an instructor when a student is being disruptive in class?

In handling classroom disruptions, we encourage instructors to have one-on-one conversations with students to discuss classroom expectations and how their behaviors specifically are not meeting those expectations. It is especially helpful when classroom expectations are outlined in a course syllabus as students receive this document at the beginning of a class term and are expected to review the document. Following a verbal conversation with a student regarding their behaviors, it is helpful to send follow-up written communication to the student recapping your conversation and establishing expectations moving forward.

If the disruption rises above what you feel you can realistically manage, we recommend reaching out to a supervisor for guidance and submitting an incident report to see if CRSC may be of assistance in addressing the concern.


Will you inform me as an instructor if a student in my class is involved in a student conduct incident? 

In most cases, no. A student’s disciplinary record is part of their educational record and is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If a student would like their conduct record disclosed to an outside entity (graduate school, government agency, etc.), a student will be required to submit a waiver to grant their permission. If there is an educational need-to-know, this information may be shared.


One of my students asked me to attend their conduct meeting with them. Is this allowed? What should I expect? 

If a student would like to have an advisor with them at their meeting, the student will be required to submit a waiver to grant their permission. The appropriate waiver is shared with students when they receive a notice of allegation from our office. The waiver needs to be turned in by the student to their conduct officer in advance of their meeting.

If a student asks you to attend their meeting with them, it is important that all parties are aware that advisors are not permitted to represent students in the conduct process. Advisors primarily serve in a supportive role, reminding students of questions they might want to ask or anecdotes they may want to share. Students can also request sidebar conversations with their advisor apart from their conduct officer as the need arises.

Student conduct meetings are scheduled around the course schedule of the student and the availability of their assigned conduct officer. Conduct officers are not required to consider advisor availability in the scheduling process.