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Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct
University of Mississippi

Student FAQs

Where is the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct located?

We are are located on the 1st floor of Somerville Hall in Suite 100. Somerville Hall is located behind Fulton Chapel and the Union.


How do I open a letter from the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct? 

When you are sent a letter, you should click the link provided in the body of the email. Upon clicking the link, you will be taken to a screen displaying your name and requesting an access code to ensure confidentiality. Confirm that your name appears on the screen, and then enter your student ID number as the access code (omit the leading 0; your Student ID number should begin with “1…”). If you are receiving the notice in your capacity as a leader of a campus organization, you should contact the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct immediately at 662-915-1387 to request the appropriate access code for your organization.

Your letter will appear in PDF format and should be printed or saved for your records. It will remain accessible through this link for 30 days. If the letter fails to appear, you may need to use a different computer or install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you continue to experience difficulty accessing your letter or wish to confirm the legitimacy of the message, please contact our office at 662-915-1357.


I received an email from the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct. What is this about? What do I do now? 

When CRSC receives information that indicates a student may have been involved in a violation of University policy, a letter is sent to the student’s university email address notifying them of the allegations and informing them of an upcoming intake meeting with a conduct officer. Students should attend and participate in the scheduled meeting.


What happens during an Intake Meeting?

During this Intake Meeting , the student’s rights in the student conduct process will be outlined, the alleged complaint or violation will be explained, and the student will be afforded the opportunity to explain the incident. If the student accepts responsibility for the violation, their case may be decided by an Administrative Agreement where the conduct officer outlines a set of possible outcomes/sanctions. In the event that the student does not accept responsibility or disagrees with the terms of the offered Administrative Agreement, students can opt to have their case forwarded to the University Judicial Council for adjudication. 


Do I need to have an advisor present at my meeting? 

An advisor is not necessary during conduct meetings or hearings, but is allowed. Each student is permitted to have one advisor present during most meetings in the conduct process. The student should notify their conduct officer in advance of their meeting time that they intend to have an advisor present and fill out the required waiver. The role of the advisor is to support the student through the conduct process. Advisors are not permitted to speak on behalf of the student or otherwise represent the student.


What is the standard of evidence used in the student conduct process? 

The standard of evidence used in the student conduct process is preponderance of the evidence. This means that the determination of responsibility is based on whether the evidence shows that it is “more likely than not” that a violation occurred.


Why does Student Conduct enforce university policies off campus? 

You are a student of The University of Mississippi regardless of whether the alleged misconduct takes place on-campus, across the street from campus, or off-campus. The University of Mississippi receives police reports from local municipalities for on-campus adjudication. The University has a vital interest in the character of its students and, therefore, regards behavior at any location (on-campus or off-campus) as a reflection of a student’s character and fitness to be a member of the student body. Actions taken by members of our community may subject them to criminal or civil liability. This does not absolve them from responsibility to the University community.  A possible violation of University policy will be resolved irrespective of criminal or civil processes and will often be resolved in a timelier manner.  The Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct determines jurisdiction by considering a number of factors outlined in DSA.SC.300.015.


What if my court case related to the alleged incident hasn’t been resolved yet? 

The Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct facilitates an educational process that is separate from the legal process. Because our process is educational in nature, and intentionally designed to help you learn from the incident, there are instances where your case may be resolved through the University prior to the legal process being resolved. Additionally, the conduct process uses a different standard of evidence than the criminal system. Conduct cases are not delayed to meet the timelines of legal proceedings.


What if I’ve been found “not guilty” or had my case dismissed through the legal process? 

As the student conduct process uses a different evidentiary standard, your case being dismissed through the legal process or having a “not guilty” finding may not necessarily mean a “not responsible” outcome in the student conduct process. Students are encouraged (but not required) to share relevant updates from their legal case (when applicable) with their conduct officers during their meetings. Evidence and relevant updates disclosed by students may be considered by conduct officers or the University Judicial Council in the decision-making process.


If I withdraw from the University between the incident and scheduled meeting date, do I still need to meet with CRSC? 

Yes.  All students who are contacted by CRSC regarding a potential violation of University policy will need to meet with their conduct officer to discuss the incident.  If a student withdraws prior to the meeting, they still need to resolve the matter.  Unresolved matters will result in a hold being placed on the student’s account and transcript.  Students may also be required to complete educational outcomes and sanctions in a timely manner to remove holds. 


What happens if I can’t finish my sanctions by the deadline? 

Sanction deadlines are provided to students at the time a decision is reached, either through an administrative agreement, University Judicial Council hearing, or other alternative dispute resolution option. If students have concerns about the provided deadlines at the time of the decision, they should proactively express their concerns to their conduct officer or appropriate party for discussion.

If a sanction deadline is approaching and the student will not have the sanction complete, it is important for the student to contact their conduct officer to request a revised deadline. Extensions are not guaranteed- they may be issued at the discretion of the conduct officer for Administrative Agreements. UJC Deadline extensions are not ordinarily granted. Retroactive extensions are typically not granted.


What happens if I don’t complete my sanctions or honor the agreement I signed?

Failure to complete sanctions by provided deadlines will result in the application of the Educational Sanction Non-Compliance and Monitoring Policy (DSA.SC.300.021– ESNCMP). This policy, attached to student outcome letters, states that failure to complete sanctions by provided deadlines may result in holds on university accounts, fines, additional conduct charges, and potentially suspension. It is imperative that students work with their hearing officer in advance of their deadlines to avoid the application of the ESNCMP.


How do I find out more information about RebelADE?

RebelADE is a student-centered, educational program designed to assist students in developing a healthy lifestyle by recognizing and reducing the potential harm associated with alcohol and other drug use. For RebelADE questions or concerns, please contact the William Magee Center office via email ( For questions regarding the sanction deadline, contact your conduct officer at the email address located on your outcome letter.


Why do I have a hold on my student account? 

If you have a hold on your account, it is most likely for one of the following reasons:

  • Failure to complete the sanctions assigned to you by the provided deadline
  • Involvement in an incident during a period when you were not enrolled in classes

Students should expect to complete their required sanctions in advance of the hold being lifted from their account. You should refer to emails sent by CRSC to obtain the name and contact information of your conduct officer to discuss the case-specific steps required to have the hold removed from your account.


What if I don’t know who my conduct officer is? 

You should refer to previous emails to obtain the name and contact information of your conduct officer. If you are unable to locate the contact information for your conduct officer, you should email for assistance.